No memes are a way to say “no” in a creative way. There is a range of no meme staples featuring Grumpy Cat, silly dogs, comic characters, an evil villain, and a cranky talent show judge. When you need a satisfying way to express dissent, a no meme is just the thing.
What Do No Memes Mean?
No memes represent a forceful “no.” They’re a way to visually express how you feel about a request when words aren’t enough.
How Are No Memes Used?
Most no memes include a picture of a cranky character or animal. Sometimes the creature is laughing or smirking, though. Think: “ha ha ha no” or “how about no?” variations.
Examples of No Memes
Example #1:Image: The No face.Text: NoMeaning: Derived from a rage comic, no face, also known as rage face, is here to decline your request or disapprove of your idea.
Example #2:Image: Top panel: dog appearing to laugh. Bottom panel: the dog is looking deadly serious.Text: HA HA HA NOMeaning: When your request is so outrageous, you get a hearty laugh before a hard no.
Example #3:Image: Dog with an apparent sneer on their faceText: Wait, I got a better idea. How ’bout no?Meaning: A sassy way of saying no, when a simple no isn’t sufficient.
For even more examples, including links to the originals, check out our full list of the six funniest no memes:
Rage Face

When you need to say “no,” rage face is here to help.
Ha Ha Ha Ha No

Sometimes it’s not enough to turn someone down; you have to have a nice laugh first.
How About No

Sometimes you need to mix a little snark with your objection.
Bugs Bunny Declines Your Offer

The Bugs Bunny no meme is ever customizable. No, Bugs does NOT want to leave a review of your app!!!
Dr. Evil Says No

Dr. Evil—he’s just like us. He says “no” with style.
Grumpy Cat Goes Grey

Grumpy Cat is a HUGE fan of “no,” and in fact, has fifty shades of it.
Congrats! It’s a No!

Who can forget how much Simon Cowell enjoyed saying “no” when he was a judge on American Idol?
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