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    The 7 Best 'No' Memes You Should Be Using

    No memes are a way to say “no” in a creative way. There is a range of no meme staples featuring Grumpy Cat, silly dogs, comic characters, an evil villain, and a cranky talent show judge. When you need a satisfying way to express dissent, a no meme is just the thing. What Do No […] More

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    Me Gusta Meme From Rage Comics

    You’ve probably come across that funny looking “Me Gusta” meme if you’re active on social media sites that heavily rely on photo sharing, like Reddit or Tumblr. The Me Gusta meme has become a quite popular drawing that has helped define internet culture as we know it today, and it’s recognized as one of the […] More

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    What Are Internet Memes and Where Did They Come From?

    An internet meme can be almost any idea or concept expressed in some form of content on the web, which is why it can be so completely difficult to drill down to a real definition. It can be a photo, a video, a person, an animal, a fictional character, an event, a song, a belief, […] More

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    10 of the Best Memes of All Time

    Ah, memes. As social media continues to grow and thrive as it’s embraced by more and more people who spend more and more time online, so too do the memes that spread across those platforms. They tend to multiply around holidays, like these Dad Joke memes, too. It’s extremely difficult (and maybe even impossible) to […] More

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