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    Forex Trading: Four Basic Trading Strategies for Beginner Trader

    Have you been thinking of starting to trade in the forex market? If yes, let us tell you that it is certainly a good idea to trade in the foreign exchange market. In comparison to the stock market, trading in the forex market can be done all week at different times. This is because the […] More

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    You Will Fall In Love With This Adorable Netflix Dogumentary

    We hear so many people say that dogs are just too good and pure for this world and we here at TalkWithStranger are certainly not ones to argue with this beautiful statement. On the contrary, we are here to provide more information to affirm it. So prepare for your hearts to be melted not by adorable […] More

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    6 Fall Travel Destinations For Dogs And Their Humans

    Looking to fill your fall schedule? Travelers may find it hard to book the perfect hotel — especially if they plan on bringing their dog. Dogs are like family, and even though there are plenty of places they rightfully can’t enter (like, say, a Broadway play), more places are starting to welcome them. After all, […] More

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    Psychologists Reveal 6 Important Skills to Save a Relationship

    Guy Winch, a family psychologist who has been helping couples for more than 20 years, thinks that happiness and satisfaction in a relationship depend on three key factors. More than that, these factors are not instinctual and require learning and preparation. The skills must be developed which takes a lot of practice. Winch’s colleagues also […] More

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    apan Is Trying a 4-Day Workweek While Paying Employees…

    Japan Is Trying a 4-Day Workweek While Paying Employees for 5 Whole Days. What’s Going On? If you’ve ever wished for the weekend to come faster, then we have good news for you. In Japan, the dream of every worker has come true. At a few companies, people are off to enjoy their weekends after […] More

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    17 Things You Should Know Before falling In Love With Old Soul

    1. Don’t worry about going overboard with impressing us. It’s the simple things in life we  have the most fun with. The easiest way to our heart is just doing things like walking around a city exploring, going on long drives in the country on the weekend, a trip to the bookstore, conversations that last long […] More

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    You Will Fall In Love With This Adorable Netflix Dogumentary

    We hear so many people say that dogs are just too good and pure for this world and we here at TalkWithStranger are certainly not ones to argue with this beautiful statement. On the contrary, we are here to provide more information to affirm it. So prepare for your hearts to be melted not by adorable […] More

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    7 Cute Baby Animals That Will Make You Go ‘Aww’


    Even though our parents are probably happy and relieved to see us grow up and let go of some baby habits, but in all honesty, our furry counterparts could just stay babies forever – that’s how cute animals are! And if some might argue that human babies are more adorable, we give you this list of the […] More

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    WTF Currencies -Someones Dream Come True (Open list) (0 submissions)

     Check out what some crazy skillful talented wanted to do will blow your mind with his new creativity thinking he doesn’t give a f about it at the end but it turned out to be good for him. Well, fine citizen of earth, these are for you! We all know America is circling the fuckin’ […] More

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    STRANGE Coincidences That Are Hard To Believe! (Open list) (0 submissions)

    1 This Bird Landed On The Page About Itself 2 What Are The Chances? “20 years ago I went to an air show with my Grandpa and Uncle. One of the aircraft I sat in was the OH58 Kiowa. This was the day that I decided that I wanted to be a pilot. Today while […] More

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    Tweets – Rejections To Success Transformations (Open list) (0 submissions)

      Writer Saeed Jones kicked things off with a string of tweets talking about rejection, which he ended with this: I bet that literary agent is kicking themselves today. That’s a good chunk of change, and probably a great memoir, that they just let walk right out the door. The Office Some people face rejection […] More

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    25+ Real Images Looks Like Photoshoped (Open list) (1 submission)

    25+ Real Images Looks Like Photoshoped Wine tunnel Forget wind tunnels! Wine tunnels are where it’s at. This is approximately how many glasses of wine I would like to drink while looking at a gorgeous sunset, so I love everything about this photo. Leafy gradient This looks like an illustration in a book or something […] More

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